Santa Maria on Good Friday


Taken before the Good Friday Mass, Friday April 3, 2010
place: St.Michael Church, Semarang Indah

all of the statues are covered with purple fabric, and this Mary statue looked so beautiful with the decorated-flowers surrounded it :]
I thought I must save this moment, so I captured it ^^ *glad that I had my IXUS 120IS with me yesterday*

so, do you agree with me that it's beautiful? ;)

'HALO' Around the Moon


Sunday, March 28 2010

yap, I feel so lucky that I could captured this photo, *thanks ixus =X
pertama kali tau kalo ada halo saya baca di status fb sapa, gitu *lupa*
tapi males liat, pikir saya "ah, males, dulu udah pernah liat kok"
tapi berhubung cici saya mau liat, saya ikut aja deh..hohoh
dan ternyata halo yang saya liat kmaren beda banget ama yang dulu saya liat.
yang dulu saya liat cincin nya deket banget ama bulan, trus jelas banget warna pelangi nya *tapi sayang, waktu itu saya motret pake hp, dan fotonya ga saya pindahin ke hape saya sekarang. cih*

jelas ga sih cincinnya? soalnya udah mau ilang sih..hehe

My New Canon Digital IXUS 120 IS


Gambarnya saya ambil dari web sih..
Sbelum Chinese New Year saya emang udah pengen beli camera.
Lagian, di HP saya sekarang, E71, camera nya emang ga sebagus camera nya sony ericsson.
Bingung juga pertamanya mau pilih warna yang mana, keren smua sih.
tapi akhirnya balik ke komitmen saya, saya mau camera yang warna item aja, so saya jadinya beli yang item deh :]

Buat yang pengen tau, nih spesifikasi Canon Digital IXUS 12 IS:
* 12.1 Megapixels
* 4x Optical Zoom (28mm-112mm)
* 2.7 inch PureColour II LCD SCreen
* DiG!C 4 Image Processor with Intelligent Auto
* Optical Image Stabilizer
* Face Detection with Blink Detection
* HD Movie Recording
* 28mm wide angle lens

promosi dikit nih, gapapa lah.
Saya beli tu camera waktu ada expo elektronik di mall, lumayan lho kalo beli pas expo gitu, harganya pasti diturunin and dapet bonus macem2. ^^

Pertama tanya, harganya 2,6 jt, stelah ditawar bla3, akhirnya dapet deh tu camera cuma 2,5 jt, plus dapet bonus camera pouch + memory 4GB + mini tripod

Lumayan murah kok buat ukuran camera canon. kata yang jual sih kalo beli camera mending yang Canon aja, kualitasnya pasti. Jangan Sony. Katanya kalo Sony lebih bagus handycam nya.

and emang, waktu dicoba, ga nyesel deh udah milih ni camera. hehe :)

New Blog by amdmw

yea, I made a new blog. Why?
I was searching for a new layout for my first blog, from .. There, I found lots of awesome templates..Found a good one, then I changed my layout *a bit confused at first cause I didn't know how to upload it*

then I found another layout, which now being used in this blog ^^
didn't know what to do at first, then an idea came to my mind.

"Why don't you make a new blog?"

and because this layout is actually for a web page like online magazine, I think it will be good if I upload some pictures here.
*also because now I have my own camera, Canon IXUS 120 IS, I love capturing pictures more and more :]
so if I get some good pitures, I will upload it here ^^